Web Development Trends to Expect in 2022

Web Development Trends to Expect in 2022

Every year, web development advances at a breakneck pace. New website technologies are constantly being discovered as developers look for new ways to innovate. If you own a business that uses digital marketing, you must anticipate and adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive and attract more customers.

Welkin marketing– Our web designers and developers are skilled in both technical and digital marketing. As a result-driven web design company in Dubai, we provide everything from SEO-friendly responsive web designs to full-fledged eCommerce web development. Successful web development involves a variety of web development and related services. The team at Welkin Marketing Web Design Company in Dubai is comprised of truly talented professionals.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Though not a new trend in 2022, progressive web apps (PWAs) in their most recent iteration will completely replace web apps. PWAs help websites load quickly and can also work offline in apps such as Google Maps. PWAs have already been used by companies such as Starbucks, Uber, Pinterest, and Twitter to improve user experience.

Mobile devices accounted for 54% of global internet traffic at the start of 2021. With the increased use of smartphones and tablets for various online tasks, it is critical to transforming web applications into PWAs. In addition to providing an unparalleled user experience, PWAs provide other advantages such as lower development costs and seamless provider maintenance. PWAs will be written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, or Angular by 2022.

Examples of Famous PWA Users

  • We’ll look at examples of well-known businesses that used the most recent web development technology from PWA and increased their revenue.
  • The implementation of PWA by Alibaba increased conversions by 76 percent.
  • In 2017, Twitter Lite PWA was integrated as the standard UI. As a result, the bounce rate dropped to 20%, the number of tweets increased (up to 75%), and so on.

Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)

Google first announced the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project in 2015, and it remained a new and essential web development technology until summer 2021. It is designed to encourage the development of websites that load quickly and work well on mobile devices. AMP pages load in about 2 seconds, whereas non-AMP pages can take up to 22 seconds.

As a new web development technology, AMP pages have the potential to increase website visibility and contribute to higher SERP rankings. This feature became useful for news portals, lightweight website versions, and catalog sites.

Responsive Websites 

Most of the web design company in Dubai follows the trend and are populated with relatively new technologies such as PWA and AMP, while relatively old ones such as responsive web design remain on the scene.

Because the majority of consumers prefer mobile devices over all others, Google intends to include mobile-first indexing among the web development trends. The effectiveness with which a website is optimized for mobile devices will determine its ranking (find more details on that on the official page).

Famous Businesses That Use Responsive Web App Trends

  • Slack is always interested in what’s new in web development, but it also uses tried-and-true trends, such as a single-column layout on mobile devices.
  • With the help of PWA, Shopify is concerned with providing a consistent user experience across all devices.
  • Dribbble. Its flexible grid is one of the features of web technology trends like responsive design.

Development Based on APIs

Current website development trends indicate that web solutions must be well-prepared for integration with other applications. This is where the API-first programming trend comes from.

What’s wrong with the traditional construction method, and why doesn’t it work with the most recent web technologies in 2022? When a web design company in Dubai’s primary goal is to create a web/mobile application, API development is frequently overlooked.

The traditional API development workflow includes the following steps:

  • The R&D Team created a design.
  • Creating a prototype (while the rest of the team is waiting)
  • Obtaining access to a prototype for additional research
  • This sequence will be repeated if a bug or improvement is found.
  • API-first workflow is not a new web development technology, but it is well-known for its simultaneity. No team member is required to wait for others to complete their tasks.

Chatbots with Artificial Intelligence

By leveraging machine learning, natural language processing, and information retrieval techniques, AI chatbots are expected to become even more sophisticated in meeting the needs of and matching the behavior of users in 2022.

AI-enabled chatbots help improve the customer experience in addition to assisting businesses in performing faster operations via voice or text chats. They can collect data, answer frequently asked questions, and resolve other issues, allowing customers to have more seamless digital interactions with a company.

Applications on One Page

Single-page applications (SPAs), one of the most significant recent trends in web development, are JavaScript-based web applications that load a single HTML page in a visitor’s browser and dynamically update content as needed without refreshing the page. The development community, as well as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have all embraced SPAs.

SPAs consume less server space and provide information to users efficiently on a single page without the need to navigate around, in addition to being cost-effective and relatively easy to create thanks to the popular AngularJS framework. These advantages make SPAs a win-win situation for both developers and site visitors.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search, which was introduced by Google in 2011, is rapidly gaining popularity. According to Grand View Research, intelligent virtual assistants such as Alexa and Siri experienced unprecedented market growth in 2019 and are expected to continue to grow rapidly.

To meet consumer demand, more tech behemoths are entering the market or developing new products, such as Google Home and Apple HomePod. According to Juniper Research, up to 55% of all households worldwide will have voice assistants by 2022. As a result, voice search will become more important than ever before.

Standardization of Dark Mode

What is the most recent web development technology that is concerned with people’s health? A dark mode is a user interface option for devices such as smartphones and laptop computers that allows them to read content written in light characters on a dark background. Dark mode has its own set of advantages, which we’ll go over below:

  • Low-light situations
  • There is less “blue light.”
  • Using less energy
  • Capability to reduce eye strain and dryness

Development for Mobile Devices

As previously stated, mobile devices account for more than half of all web traffic worldwide. Furthermore, nearly three-quarters of global eCommerce sales are completed on mobile devices. These statistics show that adopting a mobile-first approach to web development has become critical.

For many years, many developers have taken this approach. However, what it means to be “mobile-friendly” changes all the time. It means, among other things, using geolocation data to provide highly personalized experiences to users, offering one-click ordering on eCommerce apps, and incorporating biometric authentication such as fingerprint scanning or voice recognition in 2022.

Architecture without Servers

The search for technology that can help reduce system overloading, data loss, and development costs has been ongoing. This search yielded serverless technology.

Serverless architecture is based on cloud technology and enables users to run code for virtually any type of application or backend service with no administration. There is no need to provision, manage, or upgrade servers. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are the most prominent companies that use and provide serverless architecture.

Motion User Interface

Consumers today expect not only faster and more mobile-friendly digital experiences but also richer and more interactive ones.

That is one of the reasons Motion UI has grown in popularity. Motion UI is a front-end framework that allows developers to create fully responsive websites and mobile applications while also utilizing predefined motions in a native app setting. You can use this framework to make an element slide, spin, bounce, transition, and do other things. Motion UI has been widely used since 2018 because it is compatible with all web technologies and can be added anywhere on a website, such as a header, footer, and menus. However, thanks to the SASS libraries’ technology, it has become more accessible, making it one of the leading web development trends in 2022.

Best Web Design Company in Dubai 

We Empower Your Brand with a Dynamic CMS Website Custom Built by a Team of CMS Experts, Coders, and UX/UI Designers, making us one of the leading Web Design companies in Dubai.

A strong and eye-catching website is the foundation of any successful business. A website requires all expected functional capabilities under the hood, in addition to a beautiful user interface design and a seamless user experience, to deliver the best performance.

Welkin web design company in Dubai possesses the team of professionals in programming skills and creative expertise required to create a cutting-edge and converting web presence that highlights your brand while supporting your business.

We Ensure Best Practices in Web Development

We will collaborate with you to create a site that meets your expectations as part of our web design and development services. Our development team will design and build your ideal online web presence, beginning with a customized web design powered by an SEO-friendly content management system (CMS). Welkin web design company in Dubai With a variety of technology solutions available to create and manage your website, we will work with you to suggest and implement a content management option that is both convenient and powerful enough to power your website.

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