Google Ads Services in Dubai

Google Ads Services in Dubai

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a product that you can use to market your company, offer products or services, raise awareness, and drive traffic to your website. Since Google Ads accounts are controlled online, you can create and modify your ad campaign at any moment, including ad text, settings, and budget. You can find one of the best google ads services in Dubai at Welkin Marketing.

Google receives 63,000 searches every second, and the majority of search results pages include Google advertising. Paid for by businesses, Google advertisements can be an exceptionally successful means of generating relevant, qualified traffic to your website at precisely the times when people are searching for the items or services your company provides.

This post will teach you what Google advertising is, how they function, and why you should engage a professional for Google Ads Services in Dubai. Google Ads are paid advertisements that appear in search results on or advertisements that display on other websites via the Display Network and Google’s AdSense program.

An example of a Google search engine results page is shown below (SERP). The sponsored results, or advertisements, are labeled with a “Ad” label. There are two parts of paid Google advertising on the results page: one above the “natural” or organic results and one at the bottom.

Display Ads from Google:

They appear on the Google Display Network. The Display Network is a large collection of third-party websites that have collaborated with Google and agreed to run Google advertisements. Google ads on the Display Network can be text-based, image-based, video-based, or rich media-based, and can be targeted differently. This includes remarketing and banner advertisements. Get in touch with Welkin Marketing for the best Google Ads Services in Dubai.

Why do Google Ads Show Up?

The Google Ads auction is centred on keywords – advertisers select a list of keywords to target that is related to their business offers, the phrases that customers are most likely to type while searching for their product. They then bid on these keywords, with each bid based on the amount they are ready to spend for a Google user to click on their ad.

This bid, in combination with a Quality Score granted by Google depending on the quality of your proposed ad, determines which Google ads appear on the SERP. When people click on the adverts, the advertiser pays a fee (the cost per click, or CPC), which is computed using the formula below:

Google AdWords Auction:

Google Ads operates on an auction basis, which occurs every time a user conducts a keyword search. To win Google Ads auctions and have your Google ads appear for relevant keywords, maximize your Quality Score and bid amount. The greater your Quality Score combined with your bid amount, the better your ad positioning. Your Quality Score is affected by the following criteria, among others:

  1. Your Google ad’s relevancy to the search query
  2. The Google keyword’s relevancy to your ad group
  3. The connection between your ad and its landing page
  4. The ad’s and its ad group’s historical click-through rate (CTR).
  5. Overall account performance in the past

There are additional advantages to having a high-quality score:

Lower costs– Google rewards advertisers with high Standard Scores by cutting their cost per click (CPC), assisting in the improvement of ROI.

Higher exposure – When you have an excellent Score, your adverts will appear more frequently and in better locations on the SERP—the top vs. the bottom. This allows you to increase your clicks and conversions without increasing your bids. Contact Welkin Marketing for the best Google Ads Services in Dubai.

Google Ads Costs:

Google Ads costs vary depending on a number of criteria, including the competitiveness of your keywords and industry, your geographic region, the quality of your advertising campaigns, and more.

The Google Ads Performance Grader:

To maximize the impact of your Google Ads Services in Dubai, you need to know which campaigns are effective for your business and where you can improve––WordStream’s Google Ads Performance Grader can help you do just that.

The Google Ads Performance Grader is the most complete free tool of its kind. The Google Ads Performance Grader provides a full audit of your Google Ads account in 60 seconds or less, finding areas for improvement as well as highlighting successful elements of your account and how they compare to competitive standards in your industry.

Campaigns for Google Ads video:

When you’re setting up a video campaign, you’ll come across a section named “Networks.” When you expand this section, you’ll notice that your video campaign is automatically included in the three YouTube Ads Networks: YouTube search results, YouTube videos, and Video partners on the Display Network. That’s correct. Your videos will appear on websites other than

If you’re wanting to broaden your reach, this isn’t necessarily a negative thing. However, if you want greater control over your experience, leaving the Display Network set on may not be the best option. People watch videos on YouTube. we have seen increased watch times, earned actions, and overall engagement from YouTube networks. When consumers visit another website, they do so to view specific material, not the content of your video advertising. Remove the Display Network from your targeting if your budget is constrained. You can always reactivate this setting if you feel your reach is limited.

Google Ads Services in Dubai

How Google ads services in Dubai can benefit your company?

When it comes to Google advertising, you only have a limited amount of area to capture the attention of the searcher. With only 30 characters in the headline, it might be difficult to write an engaging advertisement. Nonetheless, some businesses outperform the competition on a daily basis with their fantastic advertisements. So, how exactly do they do it? And how do you imitate them? If you’re looking for some good Google Ads services in Dubai then get in touch with welkin marketing.

Adwords is more efficient than SEO:

The most significant advantage of Google AdWords is that it works faster than SEO. SEO and Google AdWords are both search engine marketing tactics for increasing traffic and leads. A well-optimized AdWords campaign, on the other hand, might operate significantly faster for a firm to get the highly-coveted first spot in search.

  • You can focus on many keywords at the same time.
  • You can turn the campaign on or off whenever you want to.
  • Ads that display at the top of the page receive immediate attention.

Of course, this does not mean you should disregard organic sources, as they provide more long-term benefits. However, with AdWords, there is a better probability of instantly driving more visitors and leads. Furthermore, the platform is more transparent, and you can see exactly what is going on with the adverts.Get in touch with Welkin Marketing for the best Google Ads Services in Dubai.

Simply defined, advertisements provide fast awareness at a low cost, whereas SEO provides long-term success based on the effort you put into the quality of your content.

Increase brand awareness: In addition to increasing traffic, clicks, and conversions, Google AdWords is an effective way to notify people about your business. To verify this, Google collaborated with Ipsos to conduct a study spanning 12 industries, ranging from automobiles to retail. It was revealed that search ads increase top-of-mind awareness by 6.6% on average.

Gmail Inbox Ads:

Email marketing is one of the most commonly used marketing tactics in every organization, which is why Gmail ads can be beneficial as well. Google integrated native Gmail advertisements with Google AdWords in September 2015 and made them available to all marketers, which means you can target more prospects through their Gmail inbox.

Gmail ads are typically found under the promotion tab, although they can also be found in the social tab. These advertisements appear on both desktops and mobile devices. Because Gmail advertisements are typically far less expensive than search ads, if you have a limited budget, you can experiment with Gmail ads as well.

Reconnect with your website’s visitors:

Reconnecting with your website visitors is one of the best features of Google AdWords.

Your website may have window shoppers. These are users who have viewed all of your website’s pages but have not taken any action. How can you make people remember you and what you can accomplish for them? Display Remarketing and RLSA campaigns are examples.

Remarketing on search network:

RLSA stands for Remarketing Lists for Search Ads. It, like display remarketing, executes remarketing campaigns on the search network, as the name implies. In addition, the marketer must include keywords in this campaign. Google advertising can then match the user’s search term with the keyword and remarketing list. This will assist Google in displaying appropriate ads for each search query. Get in touch with Welkin Marketing for the best Google Ads Services in Dubai.


Who can use Google AdWords?

You should not begin utilizing Google AdWords simply because a friend has had success with it. You must first determine whether it makes sense for you and your company and if so, what types of advertisements would be most effective for you.

Google AdWords would be the best option for your company if you met the following criteria:

  • Is your target audience online?
  • Are your company’s keywords being searched for online? To do this, use Google’s Keyword Planner. Personally, I like bidding on terms when the minimum search volume is more than 500 per month and the search volume is increasing.
  • Are articles about your sector or service being published in internet journals and blogs?
  • Search for your keyword to see if Google returns any relevant results.
  • Are your competitors investing in online channels (paid or unpaid)?

Best Google Ads Services in Dubai

To evaluate traffic and bid for your phrase, use keyword tools such as Adwords Keyword Planner, WordStream, MOZ, Keyword Tool, and others. These programs will also recommend other relevant terms, allowing you to experiment more. Get in touch with Welkin Marketing for the best Google Ads Services in Dubai.

Google Ads Services in Dubai

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