Tips to consider while rebranding a business

Tips to consider while rebranding a business

Rebranding involves a significant amount of effort, from deciding on a name for your company to developing the value it will provide. Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai. It is a marketing approach that involves the creation of a new name, symbol, design, concept, or a mix of these.

But why is it done now since the brand is well-known? It’s done to provide the brand with a new image in the minds of its stakeholders. There is a misconception that rebranding is solely for the purpose of eradicating a company’s unfavourable image in the marketplace, although this is only half-true. Apple, for example, has opted for rebranding because it believes the company has progressed beyond its prior identity and is now able to achieve ambitious targets.

A good brand communicates what your company does and how it does it. A strong brand exhibits confidence and trust in your prospects and customers. Get in touch with Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai.

And unless you make solid branding decisions when you’re starting your company and developing your brand strategy, you’ll often find that your brand identity is undermining your efforts to build your company.

Why is it necessary to rebrand?

  • Companies evolve, and they must frequently develop their brand and branding in order to remain competitive
  • You may no longer like your logo, or the style of your brand no longer reflects your company’s values and goods.
  • You may be extending your business’s scope and entering a new market, and your company’s name is too restrictive.

Alternatively, you may have noticed that your brand isn’t doing enough to set you out in the marketplace.

The truth is that many businesses rebrand, including some of the most successful. We’ve seen this regularly with rebrands by Dunkin’ Donuts, Weight Watchers, Uber, Unilever, and many more companies. Any company looking to upgrade, differentiate itself from the competition or even escape a bad reputation can benefit from rebranding. Contact Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai for guidance on rebranding.

Business owners with less experience under-invest in branding:
Some business owners and entrepreneurs make the mistake of believing that their company’s brand identity consists solely of its name and logo. Both the business name and the logo are important assets for any company, therefore they must be unique and powerful. A successful brand, on the other hand, is much more than just a name and a logo.

Your company’s brand is the combination of all of your customers’ and prospects’ interactions with you.

Let’s take a closer look at brand identity, rebranding, and why organizations rebrand, as well as what you need to know about developing a rebranding strategy and effectively rebranding your company in 2022. Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai is here to guide you.

What is brand identity?
People typically use the term “brand” to refer to “brand identity.” The brand identity of a company is different from the company’s brand.

Brand identity is the brand’s visible elements, including colour, design, and a brand’s logo. It’s how a company, corporation, or business displays itself to the public and differentiates itself in the minds of customers. It’s what you, customers, and prospective customers can see.

Companies should rebrand in order to better distinguish themselves from competitors:
Young firms frequently underestimate the value of branding and rely on generic templates or non-custom designs to establish their initial identity.

A generic logo, such as one generated by an internet logo generator or purchased from a logo store, will ruin your company. Generic branding is a concern since it exposes firms against a slew of others who have similar-sounding names and logo styles. When a lot of brands appear the same, it’s tough to tell them apart.

It’s tough to develop brand loyalty if your consumers and prospects can’t tell your company apart from its competitors, especially if your product offers are the same or comparable. Because most entrepreneurs do not intend to need to rebrand, rebranding strategies are rarely included in business planning. Too many firms, however, took corners while creating their initial brand identity and now need to rebrand in order to expand and thrive.

Key factors to consider while Rebranding a Business:
First and foremost, you should have a clear understanding of why you need to rebrand in order to concentrate on what is required to achieve new heights. Contact Welkin, a branding company in Dubai to understand the factors.

How to Rename Your Business?
A memorable business name defines your company, conveys important information about your brand to consumers and prospects, and helps you stand out from the competition.

But what if you realize that the name you’ve been using for your company isn’t helping you achieve those objectives?

Trademark Issues:

Occasionally, the same name is used by more than one company. However, the names are sufficiently close that they might be interchanged.

When this happens, one of those companies is likely to receive a cease-and-desist letter requesting that they stop using that name.

And, it’s no wonder why – your company stand to lose a lot of money if someone else operates under the same name as yours. Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai solves these problems for you.

Your company name isn’t unique:
Your company’s name should be unique. It must be one-of-a-kind and support your company’s entire brand identity. Generic titles such as “Publishing Services” or “Professional Tax Accountants” do not help you stand out from the crowd. They’re also not particularly memorable.

So, even if you provide excellent service, well-intentioned clients may misspell your name when asked for referrals. It’s also possible that they won’t remember it at all.

Your word-of-mouth marketing will suffer. Your web marketing will, too. Customers will have a difficult time finding you online if you are one of ten variations of the same generic business name. They don’t want to browse through a page of search results to discover the exact firm name they’re looking for.

Not to add that no one wants to do business with a bland, boring company.

Switching to a unique name that symbolizes your brand will benefit your business, your brand, and your customers. Welkin Marketing, a branding company in Dubai can help you identify a unique brand name.

How do you rename your company?
If it’s time to rename your company, you’ll want to take additional care this time to get it just right.

Changing your name needs a great deal of thought and effort. Not only for yourself but also for your consumers. They’ve grown accustomed to your previous brand, and now they’re being forced to forget.

Start with your brand:
Your company name should be an expansion and representation of the spirit of your brand. It should reflect the public image you wish to project for your company.

So, start by thinking about your brand.

  • What is the nature of your business?
  • What do you want your company to be known for?
  • What sets your company apart from the competition?
  • What is the personality of your company? What is your distinctive value proposition? (Quirky, solemn, formal, playful, aggressive, warm)

After you’ve developed your new brand, come up with some names that support the key features. Remove any names from the list that don’t have a clear connection to your brand.

Choose a proper brand name:
Because your old brand name is already well-known, you can’t take anything for granted because it will influence both your new and old names. Your new brand name should match your new products and services. In addition, there are several legalities to be aware of while rebranding. You must remember that you are breaking all established rules, regulations, and laws.

Be creative, precise, and detailed:
The main goal of rebranding is to provide the organization with a distinct image in the minds of stakeholders. The new brand’s name and logo should be clean and clear in order to create a distinct image. It should be specific enough that people may quickly understand and relate to your brand’s niche. Welkin, a branding company in Dubai is best in helping clients rebrand their business.

Always consider user experience:
Everything is fine, such as the rebranding purpose, name, and symbol, but it is essential to understand your clients, their problems, and their challenges. Old surveys, analytics, customer encounters, and other data sources can assist you in getting to know your customers and developing an idea that benefits all of its stakeholders.

Educate your customers:
Always inform your customers about your new brand ahead of time so that they may plan ahead. Educate them about your brand, product, and other services that you often offer. Don’t surprise them with your brand because it could raise a lot of doubts in their heads, and they might not be satisfied. Always strive to answer consumer questions because it is critical for a new brand to have satisfied customers. Welkin, a branding company in Dubai helps customers understand everything about your brand.

I believe that teamwork is essential in every sector, from the highest to the lowest levels. Employees are significantly happier and satisfied when you put them in charge and inform them about the product. They gain a sense of ownership and responsibility for the company. For a new brand to reach new heights, employees must be involved.

It’s not uncommon for a business to outgrow its name, change its strategy, and search for a new, original business name that may help it develop and acquire market share.

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